Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just Play

As I am getting use to the blogging thing time just flys by. It has been an interesting week and a half. We have had the privilege of having a friend of mines girls over because they are out of school. So our school has been focused on playing skills. Can there be such a class? It amazes me how self centered we really are and we are not even trying to be. I catch my self many times thinking of my needs and tasks that "I" want to get done and forget that I do have four children who have needs too. I find too often that the more time I get to do MY own things I want more time to my self. Then the Lord brings me back, it doesn't take long either, and tells me "your" time is Mine. He needs my time to do His work. His work starts with his children that He blessed me with. So playing skills class starts with His word. "Pleasant words are like honeycomb." Prov. 16:24; "Let your gentleness be known to all men." Phil. 4:5 (These verses I use a lot but they seem to be working on my heart more than my children). Ask your friends what they would like to do and do it without complaining. Just play. Try to bless some one else by playing what they want to play. I need to do this more with my children, "Just Play."

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We are selfish people. We as moms sometimes think we need time for ourselves but really when we get that time then we think we need more and more. Before we know it our children have grown and left the nest and we were to busy taking time away for us that we missed it. Your heart is in the right place.
