Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Garden

We planted a garden a few weeks ago. We have growing peas, spinach, swiss chard, carrots, green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, and beets. So far so good. Everything is sprouting. The area we planted in is raised and was empty when we moved in. My dear hubby picked up some good manure and we mixed it in with the dirt. We did have to clean the BIG rocks out first though and loosen the dirt a bit. Hopefully we will have some home grown food in a couple of months. It has been fun for the children to do a little work and learn about how the Lord provides for us. They also have their own flower pots with wild flowers. We will hopefully see beautiful flowers come late winter and early spring. Even when I don't know how things will work out the Lord does and it isALWAYS perfect. He does provide for me and meets my every need.


  1. This looks exactly like the garden I had when we lived in Phoenix. Looks good.

  2. My garden did great last winter, failed this summer, and failed again this winter. I was so sad. I did a raised bed "square foot garden". After we move I am going to try again, in the ground next time.
